Custom made signs

Today’s progressive world is of digital marketing and promotion-based, therefore, every small to large business need proper publication and brand awareness. The traditional way to achieve public interaction was through media like newspaper, television, advertisement, banners and hoardings etc. but these were slightly expensive and conventional in approach. However, introduction of signage service for personalized and commercial purposes has helped a lot in speeding up the process of promotion. These can be two types standardized as well as customized ones. Custom made signs are more creative in preparation and context with a formal style in designing and formatting. On the other hand,  fridge magnet business cards is the use of magnetic card for corporate and commercial identification and employment use that can be fixed on fridge vertical surface. These cards can also be customized according to client’s preferences and structural features. Such card service can be printed or graphically crafted and is durable for long-term for businesses. This is an approach to convey name, message and logo details of a person to all.

Custom made sign

The most lasting type of signage facility is the one that is customized with creative modeling and formatting features referred as custom made signs. These are specialized hand-crafted or graphically printed symbols that are better in shape, context, design, model and overall dimension than the traditional large banners. Custom made signs are better than the standard ones, as these incorporate wall arts, window display, roadway symbols as well as finely executed LED digital sign exposures.

Custom made signs can be metal, plastic, aluminum and brass manufactured which are either constructed by marketing teams of commercial businesses or client himself. These are very efficient in trading and business growth by attracting customers worldwide, thus, increasing sales rate. Such signs are indifferent from non-formal ones as are unique, self-designed and memorable.

Personalized fridge magnet business cards

Another important marketing means often opted for reliable and long-term by commercial retailers is of fridge magnet business cards. This technique can be carried for self-promotion or on the whole business promotion. It uses refrigerator as a potential surface to place and fix business cards over it for safe display for others. The advantage of using fridge magnet business cards is that the information cannot be damaged or lost during promotional process.

Fridge magnet business cards are easy to handle, manage, cost-effective and professional dealt approach to conduct personal and commercial advertisement. These cards can be printed by standard parameters and can be customized by the features. Such card facility offer quick turnaround, brand awareness and traffic at business counter due to exponential interaction with new people due to recognition via business cards.


Custom made signs are the creative symbols and signs that are designed for promotional and marketing strategies. However, fridge magnet business cards, the new way of self as well as commercial promotion by placement of business-oriented cards on refrigerator surfaces.